Ph: 800-771-8277
Common Tarp Materials
Recommended for several applications such as dirt, sod, mulch, trees, landscape debris, throw tarps for roll-off containers. We stock multi-mesh, black mesh, and blue mesh.
Recommended for heavier applications such as construction debris. Great for roll-off tarps.
Recommended for applications that require keeping material dry. We offer a variety of colors and stock 14oz, 18oz, and 22oz vinyl. If we don’t have the color you want, we can order it.
Light weight and durable. Great for covering garbage and to put on cable systems. It can be reinforced with vinyl to ensure durability.
IK SunRae Totes and More
For shopping, going to the pool or beach or for carrying sporting equipment or anything else that can fit! Sturdier and more comfortable to carry than a traditional reusable shopping bag, this bag allows for the airing of wet or damp items and can be rinsed clean quickly and easily and then air dried. Vinyl covered mesh material with steel grommets and webbed polyester seat belt straps.
Tarps Etc Inc. has served the Central Florida area for over 20 years and now expanding our work nationwide. We have made custom tarps and covers a variety of industries, including:
Trucking & Transportation
Theme Parks & Entertainment
Large Aquariums
Martial Arts Studios
Food Processing Plants
Environment Clean-Up
Cruise Ship
Parks & Recreation
Public Works
Trash Transportation
Tarp Products and Details

Custom Tie-Downs

Large One-Piece Top

Specialty Edging

Outdoor Furniture Covers

Tiki Coverings

Multipurpose Bags

Horse Trailers

Straps, Ties, Accesories

Custom Tops
Tarps Etc discusses fabric structures
Fabric structures are becoming an increasingly popular way for homeowners and business owners to utilize their outdoor space. The fabric structure market experienced growth in the past few years and is expected to continue the growth into future. Because of this growth, homeowners and businesses are more aware of the unique qualities that fabric structures offer. With a wide range of artful and creative ideas, consumers can transform an ordinary outdoor space into a contemporary, modern, and useful area that is pleasing to the eye and inviting. Fabric manufactures are taking notice of this popular trend and continue to produce innovative materials that are better in quality and are made to withstand Mother Nature’s elements.
Wide range of products from high-profile to back yard
High profile fabric structures are driving the market, but with these structures come stricter engineering and code compliances. The United States has some of the most stringent building codes in comparison to other countries. A fabric structure was displayed on a recent Country Music Awards show as it spanned across a 123 foot stage and was made to look like an amphitheatre. Also, fabric structures were used at the London Olympic Games. These are just two examples of fabric structures being made main stream, and also examples of just how their popularity and demand has increased.
The great thing about these structures is that because of a wide range of materials, these high-profile concepts can be made a reality (albeit on a much smaller scale) in the residential market. From a simple canopy frame with a long-lasting heavy-duty vinyl tarp, to an architectural sail spanning across a pool deck – homeowners are able to transform their properties and increase their living space with beautiful fabric structures!